Summer 2021 Adventure Blog: Week 1
We had only one day of week one but we made the most of it! I feel like both the kids and I were so excited to have the day together that we tried to jampack everything we could. Last Friday was the first day off from school and we were so ready to start our summer list.
First stop was Titletown! It had been so long since we had been here we forgot all it had to offer and discovered some new places for us! And best of all, it is free.

After 90 minutes at Titletown we finally called it a morning. A quick break for lunch and we were back at it again. Off to Ashwaubomay! It was opening day at Ashawaubomay so we expected some heavy crowds. The beach was quite crowded but we did find our little spot. We put our towel down, got out our sand toys, Sam put his life jacket on, and we were off into the water...and then it thundered about 5 minutes later.
We quickly got out of the water and headed for some shelter and it started to pour. People were packing up and leaving in hordes. I asked the kids, did you want to go home or wait it out? I wasn't sure what to expect. I knew they were disappointed, heck the barely got wet before we had to get out. But they had great spirits and wanted to wait.
The storm passed quickly and about 15 minutes later we were back out on the beach and having a great time. And another hour later we were still there!
A very successful first day of summer! Hoping for many more busy days ahead!