Beautiful Warrior Story: Paula Wilde

This blog post is part of an ongoing series that highlights Hope Clothing GB’s Beautiful Warrior Program. Paula Wilde was nominated and took part in a shopping spree because of all of you. The following is Paula Wilde's story in her own words:

I went in for normally scheduled mammogram and the radiologist saw one little spot she wanted to biopsy “to be safe”. Biopsy results came Oct 30th, 2020 as cancer. I had no family history, no symptoms, no risk factors. Just plain old bad luck. My official diagnosis was Stage 1, grade 2 ER +Invasive dicta carcinoma.
The MRI showed a lot more than initial mammogram pictures. I opted for double mastectomy (instead of single) because based off all my information I came back as high risk for reoccurrence. I had surgery Nov 16th (alone because of Covid). I found out the morning of Nov 17 while waiting to be discharged that my best friend was entering hospice with days to weeks left after a 4 year triple negative battle. 

I started chemo in Dec 2020 (alone because of Covid) and was put on Doceyaxel and Cyclophosphamide. I finished in March of 2021. Thankfully I did not have to do radiation, just long term medications for 10 years. 

We finally sent girls back to in person school at the end of April 2021 and then Jason and I ended up with Covid two weeks later. That postponed my ovary removal surgery till June of 2021.
Paula described herself as a "non-shopper". She was very grateful for this opportunity to fill her wardrobe with new clothes, even an outfit for her family pictures!

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