May 25, 2021
Beautiful Warrior Story: Lisa Lensmire
This blog post is part of an ongoing series that highlights Hope Clothing GB's Beautiful Warrior Program. Lisa Lensmire was nominated and took part in a $200 shopping spree because of all of you. The following is Lisa Lensmire's story, in her own words:
I have been getting colonoscopies since I was 30, due to inheriting the “Lynch Syndrome “ gene from my dad, who is a 4 time colon cancer survivor. In 2017 during my routine colonoscopy, a cancerous polyp was found. Ended up have part of my colon removed, but no chemotherapy since it did not reach any lymph nodes. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that during another routine colonoscopy in 2020 would they find anything, least not a cancerous mass again in my colon! This time it got to my lymph nodes. I had surgery and 99.9% of my colon was removed. Enough left to connect with my small intestine and rectum. Started chemotherapy in January and what was supposed to be 3 months/6 treatments has been a very, very bumpy road.Sitting here today, I am finally getting my last treatment. I was fortunate (if you can call it that) I did not lose my hair, but the symptoms of sensitivity to cold, nausea and diarrhea kicked my butt instead. This is a road I pray daily I never have to travel again. Being nominated as a “warrior “ by my niece/god child and being chosen as April’s winner came at a time when the emotional part of chemotherapy was really hitting me hard. Words cannot begin to express my gratitude to Crystal and each and every one of you. You are all considered part of my blessing and I thank God for every day.